As a graphic designer, I provide visual joy and orientation to social, cultural and creative settings, in the form of print and digital media.
Prinzip Held*
Key Visual & Ausstellungsgrafikfür Rimini Protokoll

Heroes and heroines are not born, they are made. The exhibition Prinzip Held* at the Museum of Military History in Gatow uses 44 case studies from the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 948 at the University of Freiburg to examine which ‘building blocks’ are involved in this process.
The grid-like exhibition typography emphasises the systemic approach. The fact that heroisation is made is expressed in the key visual, which also refers to the exhibition's interactive inflatable.
Credits for the project here
The Walks
App Designfor Rimini Protokoll

‘The Walks’ is a collection of short audio plays for specific places in the city (e.g. a park, a traffic light or a playground) and an invitation to rediscover and interact with the environment.

Credits for the project here
Nve Book

Portfolio book for the designers ︎Neulant van Exel.
136 pages | DIN A5
Neulant EP1

Record cover in retro-future look, with collages of pictures from a Swiss magazine of the 50s, matching the electronic space music of ︎Neulant on his album EP1 .
124 x 124 mm