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Remote X

by Rimini Protokoll

In Remote X, a group of 50 people set off into the city wearing headphones. They are guided by a synthetic voice - as we know them from GPS navigators. The encounter with this artificial intelligence leads the group to perform an experiment on themselves. How are joint decisions made? Who do we follow when we are guided by algorhythms?

As a sound designer, I was involved in 33 adaptations worldwide. In each city, an individual soundtrack (sound concept: Nikolas Neecke) was created from text, field recordings and music.

Concept, Script & Direction: Stefan Kaegi
Script & Direction on Location: Jörg Karrenbauer, Anton Rose
Sound Design Concept: Nikolas Neecke
Sound Design on Location:
Peter Breitenbach, Jascha Dormann, Aaron Ghantus, Karolin Killig, Tobias Koch, Ilona Marti, Nikolas Neecke, Ekaterina Reshetnikova, Florian Wulff
Dramaturgy: Aljoscha Begrich, Juliane Männel
Production Management Rimini Protokoll / Touring: Monica Ferrari

"Remote X" is a production of Rimini Apparat.
In coproduction with HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Maria Matos Teatro Municipal and Goethe-Institute Portugal, Festival Theaterformen Hannover/Braunschweig, Festival d'Avignon, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Kaserne Basel.

Supported by the Capital Cultural Fund Berlin and by Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater Kanton Basel-Stadt. A House on Fire coproduction with the support of the Cultural Program of the European Union.

        Photos ©  Lafun Photography (Remote Teipeh)